Monday, May 9, 2011

Darkness has been Enthroned

Dimmu Borgir is one of those bands that catches a lot heat for being too commercial, and thus shunned by the majority of the black metal community, and with the last release I heard Death Cult Armageddon I can see why, they delved into cheesy electronic vocal effects and riffs that just don't go anywhere. But before they went off into uttery cheesy black metal they released some pretty good albums this one being one of them. Enthrone Darkness Triumphant falls short of being called a masterpiece, but nonetheless it is a great album. The album starts off with a bang, with furious guitar riffs accented by majestic keyboard work. The first 3 tracks are top notch they have perfect infectious black metal riffs, and keyboards that add a ton melodic atmosphere. But around the fourth track and onward things get a bit lackluster. The riffs seem to be monotonous and not in the good hypnotic way either. The biggest example of this is in Tormentor of Christian Souls, the main riff bores me, and the lyrics seem like they're trying to hard to be evil. Entrance is where the album pics back up, the keyboards play this really otherworldly riff and the whole song has an atmosphere of dark beauty. The rest of the songs are pretty great too. Summarizing, this is a great album despite its flaws.

final rating 78/100


  1. Yea, Dimmu Borgir's later works kind of suck, but I don't mind their earlier albums like this one and For All Tid. Also, I noticed the monotonous, or better yet, generic, riffing on some of the songs as well. But I guess many albums are bound to have "fillers" aren't they?

  2. yeah this is true, its pretty rare to find albums that have no flaws. Stormblast is also good by them, the older version, I haven't heard the re-recorded version.
